PREDICT introduced the technology of Ferrography Wear Particle Analysis in India more than 25 years ago, and pioneered commercial Ferrography Oil Analysis Services by setting up a world class Ferrography WPA Laboratory at Hyderabad for the first time in the country.
Samples of Lubricating Oil are collected from plant machinery and sent to our NABL certified Lab where they are analysed as per ASTM standards, using the highest quality testing equipment from across the world, by trained certified technicians and analysts, while following uncompromising ethical and professional practices. We analyse the received sample and report:
OIL Condition
MACHINE Condition
Detailed Reports are available 24x7 on PREDICT CLOUD, accessible from any computer connected to the Internet, while a Summary Report is available via the Android PREDICT APP.
Machine Condition is evaluated by Wear Debris Analysis
quantifying and examining microscopic particles of Wear & Contaminants present in the oil, using technologies:
Particle Counting
Elemental Analysis / Spectroscopy
CASES : Ferrography Analysis
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PREDICT CLOUD Subscription Service offers multiple Benefits:
Access to Reports, anytime, anywhere
Provides multiple users direct access to reports of their machines
​Enables Self Customisation of analysed data
​​Facilitates improved CBM practices enabling Comparative evaluation of similar machines by comparing the size and severity of wear particles generated from each of them​
Enables Trending of individual Wear Particles for better diagnosis.
For example one can trend the size & severity of Bearing Wear or Gear Wear particles generated by an equipment over the years.
​​PREDICT APP enables all the benefits of the PREDICT CLOUD, and makes it possible to check machine Condition data while standing next to the equipment in the plant
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